Source code for enterprise_extensions.deterministic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
from enterprise import constants as const
from enterprise.signals import (deterministic_signals, parameter, signal_base,

[docs]def fdm_block(Tmin, Tmax, amp_prior='log-uniform', name='fdm', amp_lower=-18, amp_upper=-11, freq_lower=-9, freq_upper=-7, use_fixed_freq=False, fixed_freq=-8): """ Returns deterministic fuzzy dark matter model: 1. FDM parameterized by frequency, phase, and amplitude (mass and DM energy density). :param Tmin: Min time to search, probably first TOA (MJD). :param Tmax: Max time to search, probably last TOA (MJD). :param amp_prior: Prior on log10_A. :param logmin: log of minimum FDM amplitude for prior (log10) :param logmax: log of maximum FDM amplitude for prior (log10) :param name: Name of FDM signal. :param amp_upper, amp_lower, freq_upper, freq_lower: The log-space bounds on the amplitude and frequency priors. :param use_fixed_freq: Whether to do a fixed-frequency run and not search over the frequency. :param fixed_freq: The frequency value to do a fixed-frequency run with. """ # BWM parameters amp_name = '{}_log10_A'.format(name) log10_A_fdm = parameter.Uniform(amp_lower, amp_upper)(amp_name) if use_fixed_freq is True: log10_f_fdm = fixed_freq if use_fixed_freq is False: freq_name = '{}_log10_f'.format(name) log10_f_fdm = parameter.Uniform(freq_lower, freq_upper)(freq_name) phase_e_name = '{}_phase_e'.format(name) phase_e_fdm = parameter.Uniform(0, 2*np.pi)(phase_e_name) phase_p = parameter.Uniform(0, 2*np.pi) fdm_wf = fdm_delay(log10_A=log10_A_fdm, log10_f=log10_f_fdm, phase_e=phase_e_fdm, phase_p=phase_p) fdm = deterministic_signals.Deterministic(fdm_wf, name=name) return fdm
[docs]def cw_block_circ(amp_prior='log-uniform', dist_prior=None, skyloc=None, log10_fgw=None, psrTerm=False, tref=0, name='cw'): """ Returns deterministic, cirular orbit continuous GW model: :param amp_prior: Prior on log10_h. Default is "log-uniform." Use "uniform" for upper limits, or "None" to search over log10_dist instead. :param dist_prior: Prior on log10_dist. Default is "None," meaning that the search is over log10_h instead of log10_dist. Use "log-uniform" to search over log10_h with a log-uniform prior. :param skyloc: Fixed sky location of CW signal search as [cos(theta), phi]. Search over sky location if ``None`` given. :param log10_fgw: Fixed log10 GW frequency of CW signal search. Search over GW frequency if ``None`` given. :param ecc: Fixed log10 distance to SMBHB search. Search over distance or strain if ``None`` given. :param psrTerm: Boolean for whether to include the pulsar term. Default is False. :param name: Name of CW signal. """ if dist_prior is None: log10_dist = None if amp_prior == 'uniform': log10_h = parameter.LinearExp(-18.0, -11.0)('{}_log10_h'.format(name)) elif amp_prior == 'log-uniform': log10_h = parameter.Uniform(-18.0, -11.0)('{}_log10_h'.format(name)) elif dist_prior == 'log-uniform': log10_dist = parameter.Uniform(-2.0, 4.0)('{}_log10_dL'.format(name)) log10_h = None # chirp mass [Msol] log10_Mc = parameter.Uniform(6.0, 10.0)('{}_log10_Mc'.format(name)) # GW frequency [Hz] if log10_fgw is None: log10_fgw = parameter.Uniform(-9.0, -7.0)('{}_log10_fgw'.format(name)) else: log10_fgw = parameter.Constant(log10_fgw)('{}_log10_fgw'.format(name)) # orbital inclination angle [radians] cosinc = parameter.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0)('{}_cosinc'.format(name)) # initial GW phase [radians] phase0 = parameter.Uniform(0.0, 2*np.pi)('{}_phase0'.format(name)) # polarization psi_name = '{}_psi'.format(name) psi = parameter.Uniform(0, np.pi)(psi_name) # sky location costh_name = '{}_costheta'.format(name) phi_name = '{}_phi'.format(name) if skyloc is None: costh = parameter.Uniform(-1, 1)(costh_name) phi = parameter.Uniform(0, 2*np.pi)(phi_name) else: costh = parameter.Constant(skyloc[0])(costh_name) phi = parameter.Constant(skyloc[1])(phi_name) if psrTerm: # orbital phase p_phase = parameter.Uniform(0, np.pi) p_dist = parameter.Normal(0, 1) else: p_phase = None p_dist = 0 # continuous wave signal wf = cw_delay(cos_gwtheta=costh, gwphi=phi, cos_inc=cosinc, log10_mc=log10_Mc, log10_fgw=log10_fgw, log10_h=log10_h, log10_dist=log10_dist, phase0=phase0, psi=psi, psrTerm=True, p_dist=p_dist, p_phase=p_phase, phase_approx=True, check=False, tref=tref) cw = CWSignal(wf, ecc=False, psrTerm=psrTerm) return cw
[docs]def cw_block_ecc(amp_prior='log-uniform', skyloc=None, log10_F=None, ecc=None, psrTerm=False, tref=0, name='cw'): """ Returns deterministic, eccentric orbit continuous GW model: :param amp_prior: Prior on log10_h and log10_Mc/log10_dL. Default is "log-uniform" with log10_Mc and log10_dL searched over. Use "uniform" for upper limits, log10_h searched over. :param skyloc: Fixed sky location of CW signal search as [cos(theta), phi]. Search over sky location if ``None`` given. :param log10_F: Fixed log-10 orbital frequency of CW signal search. Search over orbital frequency if ``None`` given. :param ecc: Fixed eccentricity of SMBHB search. Search over eccentricity if ``None`` given. :param psrTerm: Boolean for whether to include the pulsar term. Default is False. :param name: Name of CW signal. """ if amp_prior == 'uniform': log10_h = parameter.LinearExp(-18.0, -11.0)('{}_log10_h'.format(name)) elif amp_prior == 'log-uniform': log10_h = None # chirp mass [Msol] log10_Mc = parameter.Uniform(6.0, 10.0)('{}_log10_Mc'.format(name)) # luminosity distance [Mpc] log10_dL = parameter.Uniform(-2.0, 4.0)('{}_log10_dL'.format(name)) # orbital frequency [Hz] if log10_F is None: log10_Forb = parameter.Uniform(-9.0, -7.0)('{}_log10_Forb'.format(name)) else: log10_Forb = parameter.Constant(log10_F)('{}_log10_Forb'.format(name)) # orbital inclination angle [radians] cosinc = parameter.Uniform(-1.0, 1.0)('{}_cosinc'.format(name)) # periapsis position angle [radians] gamma_0 = parameter.Uniform(0.0, np.pi)('{}_gamma0'.format(name)) # Earth-term eccentricity if ecc is None: e_0 = parameter.Uniform(0.0, 0.99)('{}_e0'.format(name)) else: e_0 = parameter.Constant(ecc)('{}_e0'.format(name)) # initial mean anomaly [radians] l_0 = parameter.Uniform(0.0, 2.0*np.pi)('{}_l0'.format(name)) # mass ratio = M_2/M_1 q = parameter.Constant(1.0)('{}_q'.format(name)) # polarization pol_name = '{}_pol'.format(name) pol = parameter.Uniform(0, np.pi)(pol_name) # sky location costh_name = '{}_costheta'.format(name) phi_name = '{}_phi'.format(name) if skyloc is None: costh = parameter.Uniform(-1, 1)(costh_name) phi = parameter.Uniform(0, 2*np.pi)(phi_name) else: costh = parameter.Constant(skyloc[0])(costh_name) phi = parameter.Constant(skyloc[1])(phi_name) # continuous wave signal wf = compute_eccentric_residuals(cos_gwtheta=costh, gwphi=phi, log10_mc=log10_Mc, log10_dist=log10_dL, log10_h=log10_h, log10_F=log10_Forb, cos_inc=cosinc, psi=pol, gamma0=gamma_0, e0=e_0, l0=l_0, q=q, nmax=400, pdist=None, pphase=None, pgam=None, tref=tref, check=False) cw = CWSignal(wf, ecc=True, psrTerm=psrTerm) return cw
@signal_base.function def cw_delay(toas, pos, pdist, cos_gwtheta=0, gwphi=0, cos_inc=0, log10_mc=9, log10_fgw=-8, log10_dist=None, log10_h=None, phase0=0, psi=0, psrTerm=False, p_dist=1, p_phase=None, evolve=False, phase_approx=False, check=False, tref=0): """ Function to create GW incuced residuals from a SMBMB as defined in Ellis et. al 2012,2013. :param toas: Pular toas in seconds :param pos: Unit vector from the Earth to the pulsar :param pdist: Pulsar distance (mean and uncertainty) [kpc] :param cos_gwtheta: Cosine of Polar angle of GW source in celestial coords [radians] :param gwphi: Azimuthal angle of GW source in celestial coords [radians] :param cos_inc: cosine of Inclination of GW source [radians] :param log10_mc: log10 of Chirp mass of SMBMB [solar masses] :param log10_fgw: log10 of Frequency of GW (twice the orbital frequency) [Hz] :param log10_dist: log10 of Luminosity distance to SMBMB [Mpc], used to compute strain, if not None :param log10_h: log10 of GW strain, used to compute distance, if not None :param phase0: Initial GW phase of source [radians] :param psi: Polarization angle of GW source [radians] :param psrTerm: Option to include pulsar term [boolean] :param p_dist: Pulsar distance parameter :param p_phase: Use pulsar phase to determine distance [radian] :param evolve: Option to include/exclude full evolution [boolean] :param phase_approx: Option to include/exclude phase evolution across observation time [boolean] :param check: Check if frequency evolves significantly over obs. time [boolean] :param tref: Reference time for phase and frequency [s] :return: Vector of induced residuals """ # convert units to time mc = 10**log10_mc * const.Tsun fgw = 10**log10_fgw gwtheta = np.arccos(cos_gwtheta) inc = np.arccos(cos_inc) p_dist = (pdist[0] + pdist[1]*p_dist)*const.kpc/const.c if log10_h is None and log10_dist is None: raise ValueError("one of log10_dist or log10_h must be non-None") elif log10_h is not None and log10_dist is not None: raise ValueError("only one of log10_dist or log10_h can be non-None") elif log10_h is None: dist = 10**log10_dist * const.Mpc / const.c else: dist = 2 * mc**(5/3) * (np.pi*fgw)**(2/3) / 10**log10_h if check: # check that frequency is not evolving significantly over obs. time fstart = fgw * (1 - 256/5 * mc**(5/3) * fgw**(8/3) * toas[0])**(-3/8) fend = fgw * (1 - 256/5 * mc**(5/3) * fgw**(8/3) * toas[-1])**(-3/8) df = fend - fstart # observation time Tobs = toas.max()-toas.min() fbin = 1/Tobs if np.abs(df) > fbin: print('WARNING: Frequency is evolving over more than one ' 'frequency bin.') print('f0 = {0}, f1 = {1}, df = {2}, fbin = {3}'.format(fstart, fend, df, fbin)) return np.ones(len(toas)) * np.nan # get antenna pattern funcs and cosMu # write function to get pos from theta,phi fplus, fcross, cosMu = utils.create_gw_antenna_pattern(pos, gwtheta, gwphi) # get pulsar time toas -= tref if p_dist > 0: tp = toas-p_dist*(1-cosMu) else: tp = toas # orbital frequency w0 = np.pi * fgw phase0 /= 2 # convert GW to orbital phase # omegadot = 96/5 * mc**(5/3) * w0**(11/3) # Not currently used in code # evolution if evolve: # calculate time dependent frequency at earth and pulsar omega = w0 * (1 - 256/5 * mc**(5/3) * w0**(8/3) * toas)**(-3/8) omega_p = w0 * (1 - 256/5 * mc**(5/3) * w0**(8/3) * tp)**(-3/8) if p_dist > 0: omega_p0 = w0 * (1 + 256/5 * mc**(5/3) * w0**(8/3) * p_dist*(1-cosMu))**(-3/8) else: omega_p0 = w0 # calculate time dependent phase phase = phase0 + 1/32/mc**(5/3) * (w0**(-5/3) - omega**(-5/3)) if p_phase is None: phase_p = phase0 + 1/32/mc**(5/3) * (w0**(-5/3) - omega_p**(-5/3)) else: phase_p = (phase0 + p_phase + 1/32*mc**(-5/3) * (omega_p0**(-5/3) - omega_p**(-5/3))) elif phase_approx: # monochromatic omega = w0 if p_dist > 0: omega_p = w0 * (1 + 256/5 * mc**(5/3) * w0**(8/3) * p_dist*(1-cosMu))**(-3/8) else: omega_p = w0 # phases phase = phase0 + omega * toas if p_phase is not None: phase_p = phase0 + p_phase + omega_p*toas else: phase_p = (phase0 + omega_p*toas + 1/32/mc**(5/3) * (w0**(-5/3) - omega_p**(-5/3))) # no evolution else: # monochromatic omega = np.pi*fgw omega_p = omega # phases phase = phase0 + omega * toas phase_p = phase0 + omega * tp # define time dependent coefficients At = -0.5*np.sin(2*phase)*(3+np.cos(2*inc)) Bt = 2*np.cos(2*phase)*np.cos(inc) At_p = -0.5*np.sin(2*phase_p)*(3+np.cos(2*inc)) Bt_p = 2*np.cos(2*phase_p)*np.cos(inc) # now define time dependent amplitudes alpha = mc**(5./3.)/(dist*omega**(1./3.)) alpha_p = mc**(5./3.)/(dist*omega_p**(1./3.)) # define rplus and rcross rplus = alpha*(-At*np.cos(2*psi)+Bt*np.sin(2*psi)) rcross = alpha*(At*np.sin(2*psi)+Bt*np.cos(2*psi)) rplus_p = alpha_p*(-At_p*np.cos(2*psi)+Bt_p*np.sin(2*psi)) rcross_p = alpha_p*(At_p*np.sin(2*psi)+Bt_p*np.cos(2*psi)) # residuals if psrTerm: res = fplus*(rplus_p-rplus)+fcross*(rcross_p-rcross) else: res = -fplus*rplus - fcross*rcross return res @signal_base.function def bwm_delay(toas, pos, log10_h=-14.0, cos_gwtheta=0.0, gwphi=0.0, gwpol=0.0, t0=55000, antenna_pattern_fn=None): """ Function that calculates the earth-term gravitational-wave burst-with-memory signal, as described in: Seto et al, van haasteren and Levin, phsirkov et al, Cordes and Jenet. This version uses the F+/Fx polarization modes, as verified with the Continuous Wave and Anisotropy papers. :param toas: Time-of-arrival measurements [s] :param pos: Unit vector from Earth to pulsar :param log10_h: log10 of GW strain :param cos_gwtheta: Cosine of GW polar angle :param gwphi: GW azimuthal polar angle [rad] :param gwpol: GW polarization angle :param t0: Burst central time [day] :param antenna_pattern_fn: User defined function that takes `pos`, `gwtheta`, `gwphi` as arguments and returns (fplus, fcross) :return: the waveform as induced timing residuals (seconds) """ # convert h = 10 ** log10_h gwtheta = np.arccos(cos_gwtheta) t0 *= # antenna patterns if antenna_pattern_fn is None: apc = utils.create_gw_antenna_pattern(pos, gwtheta, gwphi) else: apc = antenna_pattern_fn(pos, gwtheta, gwphi) # grab fplus, fcross fp, fc = apc[0], apc[1] # combined polarization pol = np.cos(2 * gwpol) * fp + np.sin(2 * gwpol) * fc # Return the time-series for the pulsar return pol * h * np.heaviside(toas - t0, 0.5) * (toas - t0) @signal_base.function def bwm_sglpsr_delay(toas, sign, log10_A=-15, t0=55000): """ Function that calculates the earth-term gravitational-wave burst-with-memory signal for an optimally oriented source in a single pulsar :param toas: Time-of-arrival measurements [s] :param log10_A: log10 of the amplitude of the ramp (delta_f/f) :param t0: Burst central time [day] :return: the waveform as induced timing residuals (seconds) """ A = 10 ** log10_A t0 *= # Return the time-series for the pulsar def heaviside(x): return 0.5 * (np.sign(x) + 1) # return 0 #Fix the return to 0 in order to test what the heck is wrong with red noise detection in bwm return A * np.sign(sign) * heaviside(toas - t0) * (toas - t0) @signal_base.function def compute_eccentric_residuals(toas, theta, phi, cos_gwtheta, gwphi, log10_mc, log10_dist, log10_h, log10_F, cos_inc, psi, gamma0, e0, l0, q, nmax=400, pdist=1.0, pphase=None, pgam=None, psrTerm=False, tref=0, check=False): """ Simulate GW from eccentric SMBHB. Waveform models from Taylor et al. (2015) and Barack and Cutler (2004). WARNING: This residual waveform is only accurate if the GW frequency is not significantly evolving over the observation time of the pulsar. :param toa: pulsar observation times :param theta: polar coordinate of pulsar :param phi: azimuthal coordinate of pulsar :param gwtheta: Polar angle of GW source in celestial coords [radians] :param gwphi: Azimuthal angle of GW source in celestial coords [radians] :param log10_mc: Base-10 lof of chirp mass of SMBMB [solar masses] :param log10_dist: Base-10 uminosity distance to SMBMB [Mpc] :param log10_F: base-10 orbital frequency of SMBHB [Hz] :param inc: Inclination of GW source [radians] :param psi: Polarization of GW source [radians] :param gamma0: Initial angle of periastron [radians] :param e0: Initial eccentricity of SMBHB :param l0: Initial mean anomoly [radians] :param q: Mass ratio of SMBHB :param nmax: Number of harmonics to use in waveform decomposition :param pdist: Pulsar distance [kpc] :param pphase: Pulsar phase [rad] :param pgam: Pulsar angle of periastron [rad] :param psrTerm: Option to include pulsar term [boolean] :param tref: Fidicuial time at which initial parameters are referenced [s] :param check: Check if frequency evolves significantly over obs. time :returns: Vector of induced residuals """ # convert from sampling F = 10.0**log10_F mc = 10.0**log10_mc dist = 10.0**log10_dist if log10_h is not None: h0 = 10.0**log10_h else: h0 = None inc = np.arccos(cos_inc) gwtheta = np.arccos(cos_gwtheta) # define variable for later use cosgwtheta, cosgwphi = np.cos(gwtheta), np.cos(gwphi) singwtheta, singwphi = np.sin(gwtheta), np.sin(gwphi) sin2psi, cos2psi = np.sin(2*psi), np.cos(2*psi) # unit vectors to GW source m = np.array([singwphi, -cosgwphi, 0.0]) n = np.array([-cosgwtheta*cosgwphi, -cosgwtheta*singwphi, singwtheta]) omhat = np.array([-singwtheta*cosgwphi, -singwtheta*singwphi, -cosgwtheta]) # pulsar position vector phat = np.array([np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi), np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi), np.cos(theta)]) fplus = 0.5 * (, phat)**2 -, phat)**2) / (, phat)) fcross = (, phat)*, phat)) / (1 +, phat)) cosMu =, phat) # get values from pulsar object toas = toas.copy() - tref if check: # check that frequency is not evolving significantly over obs. time y = utils.solve_coupled_ecc_solution(F, e0, gamma0, l0, mc, q, np.array([0.0, toas.max()])) # initial and final values over observation time Fc0, ec0, gc0, phic0 = y[0, :] Fc1, ec1, gc1, phic1 = y[-1, :] # observation time Tobs = 1/(toas.max()-toas.min()) if np.abs(Fc0-Fc1) > 1/Tobs: print('WARNING: Frequency is evolving over more than one frequency bin.') print('F0 = {0}, F1 = {1}, delta f = {2}'.format(Fc0, Fc1, 1/Tobs)) return np.ones(len(toas)) * np.nan # get gammadot for earth term gammadot = utils.get_gammadot(F, mc, q, e0) # get number of harmonics to use if not isinstance(nmax, int): if e0 < 0.999 and e0 > 0.001: nharm = int(nmax(e0)) elif e0 < 0.001: nharm = 2 else: nharm = int(nmax(0.999)) else: nharm = nmax # no more than 100 harmonics nharm = min(nharm, 100) ##### earth term ##### splus, scross = utils.calculate_splus_scross(nmax=nharm, mc=mc, dl=dist, h0=h0, F=F, e=e0, t=toas.copy(), l0=l0, gamma=gamma0, gammadot=gammadot, inc=inc) ##### pulsar term ##### if psrTerm: # pulsar distance pd = pdist # convert units pd *= const.kpc / const.c # get pulsar time tp = toas.copy() - pd * (1-cosMu) # solve coupled system of equations to get pulsar term values y = utils.solve_coupled_ecc_solution(F, e0, gamma0, l0, mc, q, np.array([0.0, tp.min()])) # get pulsar term values if np.any(y): Fp, ep, gp, phip = y[-1, :] # get gammadot at pulsar term gammadotp = utils.get_gammadot(Fp, mc, q, ep) # get phase at pulsar if pphase is None: lp = phip else: lp = pphase # get angle of periastron at pulsar if pgam is None: gp = gp else: gp = pgam # get number of harmonics to use if not isinstance(nmax, int): if e0 < 0.999 and e0 > 0.001: nharm = int(nmax(e0)) elif e0 < 0.001: nharm = 2 else: nharm = int(nmax(0.999)) else: nharm = nmax # no more than 1000 harmonics nharm = min(nharm, 100) splusp, scrossp = utils.calculate_splus_scross(nmax=nharm, mc=mc, dl=dist, h0=h0, F=Fp, e=ep, t=toas.copy(), l0=lp, gamma=gp, gammadot=gammadotp, inc=inc) rr = (fplus*cos2psi - fcross*sin2psi) * (splusp - splus) + \ (fplus*sin2psi + fcross*cos2psi) * (scrossp - scross) else: rr = np.ones(len(toas)) * np.nan else: rr = - (fplus*cos2psi - fcross*sin2psi) * splus - \ (fplus*sin2psi + fcross*cos2psi) * scross return rr
[docs]def CWSignal(cw_wf, ecc=False, psrTerm=False, name='cw'): BaseClass = deterministic_signals.Deterministic(cw_wf, name=name) class CWSignal(BaseClass): def __init__(self, psr): super(CWSignal, self).__init__(psr) self._wf[''].add_kwarg(psrTerm=psrTerm) if ecc: pgam = parameter.Uniform(0, 2*np.pi)('_'.join([, 'pgam', name])) self._params['pgam'] = pgam self._wf['']._params['pgam'] = pgam return CWSignal
@signal_base.function def generalized_gwpol_psd(f, log10_A_tt=-15, log10_A_st=-15, log10_A_vl=-15, log10_A_sl=-15, kappa=10/3, p_dist=1.0): """ PSD for a generalized mixture of scalar+vector dipole radiation and tensorial quadrupole radiation from SMBHBs. """ df = np.diff(np.concatenate((np.array([0]), f[::2]))) euler_e = 0.5772156649 pdist = p_dist * const.kpc / const.c orf_aa_tt = (2/3) * np.ones(len(f)) orf_aa_st = (2/3) * np.ones(len(f)) orf_aa_vl = 2*np.log(4*np.pi*f*pdist) - 14/3 + 2*euler_e orf_aa_sl = np.pi**2*f*pdist/4 - \ np.log(4*np.pi*f*pdist) + 37/24 - euler_e prefactor = (1 + kappa**2) / (1 + kappa**2 * (f / const.fyr)**(-2/3)) gwpol_amps = 10**(2*np.array([log10_A_tt, log10_A_st, log10_A_vl, log10_A_sl])) gwpol_factors = np.array([orf_aa_tt*gwpol_amps[0], orf_aa_st*gwpol_amps[1], orf_aa_vl*gwpol_amps[2], orf_aa_sl*gwpol_amps[3]]) S_psd = prefactor * (gwpol_factors[0, :] * (f / const.fyr)**(-4/3) + np.sum(gwpol_factors[1:, :], axis=0) * (f / const.fyr)**(-2)) / \ (8*np.pi**2*f**3) return S_psd * np.repeat(df, 2) @signal_base.function def fdm_delay(toas, log10_A, log10_f, phase_e, phase_p): """ Function that calculates the earth-term gravitational-wave fuzzy dark matter signal, as described in: Kato et al. (2020). :param toas: Time-of-arrival measurements [s] :param log10_A: log10 of GW strain :param log10_f: log10 of GW frequency :param phase_e: The Earth-term phase of the GW :param phase_p: The Pulsar-term phase of the GW :return: the waveform as induced timing residuals (seconds) """ # convert A = 10 ** log10_A f = 10 ** log10_f # Return the time-series for the pulsar return - A / (2 * np.pi * f) * (np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * toas + phase_e) - np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * toas + phase_p))