Source code for enterprise_extensions.frequentist.Fe_statistic

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import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as sl
from enterprise.signals import (gp_signals, parameter, signal_base, utils,

[docs]class FeStat(object): """ Class for the Fe-statistic. :param psrs: List of `enterprise` Pulsar instances. :param params: Dictionary of noise parameters. """ def __init__(self, psrs, params=None): print('Initializing the model...') efac = parameter.Constant() equad = parameter.Constant() ef = white_signals.MeasurementNoise(efac=efac) eq = white_signals.EquadNoise(log10_equad=equad) tm = gp_signals.TimingModel(use_svd=True) s = eq + ef + tm model = [] for p in psrs: model.append(s(p)) self.pta = signal_base.PTA(model) # set white noise parameters if params is None: print('No noise dictionary provided!...') else: self.pta.set_default_params(params) self.psrs = psrs self.params = params self.Nmats = None
[docs] def get_Nmats(self): '''Makes the Nmatrix used in the fstatistic''' TNTs = self.pta.get_TNT(self.params) phiinvs = self.pta.get_phiinv(self.params, logdet=False, method='partition') # Get noise parameters for pta toaerr**2 Nvecs = self.pta.get_ndiag(self.params) # Get the basis matrix Ts = self.pta.get_basis(self.params) Nmats = [make_Nmat(phiinv, TNT, Nvec, T) for phiinv, TNT, Nvec, T in zip(phiinvs, TNTs, Nvecs, Ts)] return Nmats
[docs] def compute_Fe(self, f0, gw_skyloc, brave=False, maximized_parameters=False): """ Computes the Fe-statistic (see Ellis, Siemens, Creighton 2012). :param f0: GW frequency :param gw_skyloc: 2x{number of sky locations} array containing [theta, phi] for each queried sky location, where theta=pi/2-DEC, phi=RA, for singlge sky location use gw_skyloc= np.array([[theta,],[phi,]]) :param brave: Skip sanity checks in linalg for speedup if True. :param maximized_parameters: Calculate maximized extrinsic parameters if True. :returns: fstat: value of the Fe-statistic :if maximized_parameters=True also returns: inc_max: Maximized value of inclination psi_max: Maximized value of polarization angle phase0_max: Maximized value of initial fhase h_max: Maximized value of amplitude """ tref=53000*86400 phiinvs = self.pta.get_phiinv(self.params, logdet=False) TNTs = self.pta.get_TNT(self.params) Ts = self.pta.get_basis() if self.Nmats is None: self.Nmats = self.get_Nmats() n_psr = len(self.psrs) N = np.zeros((n_psr, 4)) M = np.zeros((n_psr, 4, 4)) for idx, (psr, Nmat, TNT, phiinv, T) in enumerate(zip(self.psrs, self.Nmats, TNTs, phiinvs, Ts)): Sigma = TNT + (np.diag(phiinv) if phiinv.ndim == 1 else phiinv) ntoa = len(psr.toas) A = np.zeros((4, ntoa)) A[0, :] = 1 / f0 ** (1 / 3) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * (psr.toas-tref)) A[1, :] = 1 / f0 ** (1 / 3) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f0 * (psr.toas-tref)) A[2, :] = 1 / f0 ** (1 / 3) * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * (psr.toas-tref)) A[3, :] = 1 / f0 ** (1 / 3) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * f0 * (psr.toas-tref)) ip1 = innerProduct_rr(A[0, :], psr.residuals, Nmat, T, Sigma, brave=brave) ip2 = innerProduct_rr(A[1, :], psr.residuals, Nmat, T, Sigma, brave=brave) ip3 = innerProduct_rr(A[2, :], psr.residuals, Nmat, T, Sigma, brave=brave) ip4 = innerProduct_rr(A[3, :], psr.residuals, Nmat, T, Sigma, brave=brave) N[idx, :] = np.array([ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4]) # define M matrix M_ij=(A_i|A_j) for jj in range(4): for kk in range(4): M[idx, jj, kk] = innerProduct_rr(A[jj, :], A[kk, :], Nmat, T, Sigma, brave=brave) fstat = np.zeros(gw_skyloc.shape[1]) if maximized_parameters: inc_max = np.zeros(gw_skyloc.shape[1]) psi_max = np.zeros(gw_skyloc.shape[1]) phase0_max = np.zeros(gw_skyloc.shape[1]) h_max = np.zeros(gw_skyloc.shape[1]) for j, gw_pos in enumerate(gw_skyloc.T): NN = np.copy(N) MM = np.copy(M) for idx, psr in enumerate(self.psrs): F_p, F_c, _ = utils.create_gw_antenna_pattern(psr.pos, gw_pos[0], gw_pos[1]) NN[idx, :] *= np.array([F_p, F_p, F_c, F_c]) MM[idx, :, :] *= np.array([[F_p**2, F_p**2, F_p*F_c, F_p*F_c], [F_p**2, F_p**2, F_p*F_c, F_p*F_c], [F_p*F_c, F_p*F_c, F_c**2, F_c**2], [F_p*F_c, F_p*F_c, F_c**2, F_c**2]]) N_sum = np.sum(NN, axis=0) M_sum = np.sum(MM, axis=0) # take inverse of M Minv = np.linalg.pinv(M_sum) fstat[j] = 0.5 *,, N_sum)) if maximized_parameters: a_hat =, N_sum) A_p = (np.sqrt((a_hat[0]+a_hat[3])**2 + (a_hat[1]-a_hat[2])**2) + np.sqrt((a_hat[0]-a_hat[3])**2 + (a_hat[1]+a_hat[2])**2)) A_c = (np.sqrt((a_hat[0]+a_hat[3])**2 + (a_hat[1]-a_hat[2])**2) - np.sqrt((a_hat[0]-a_hat[3])**2 + (a_hat[1]+a_hat[2])**2)) AA = A_p + np.sqrt(A_p**2 - A_c**2) # AA = A_p + np.sqrt(A_p**2 + A_c**2) # inc_max[j] = np.arccos(-A_c/AA) inc_max[j] = np.arccos(A_c/AA) two_psi_max = np.arctan2((A_p*a_hat[3] - A_c*a_hat[0]), (A_c*a_hat[2] + A_p*a_hat[1])) psi_max[j]=0.5*np.arctan2(np.sin(two_psi_max), -np.cos(two_psi_max)) # convert from [-pi, pi] convention to [0,2*pi] convention if psi_max[j]<0: psi_max[j]+=np.pi # correcting weird problem of degeneracy (psi-->pi-psi/2 and phi0-->2pi-phi0 keep everything the same) if psi_max[j]>np.pi/2: psi_max[j]+= -np.pi/2 half_phase0 = -0.5*np.arctan2(A_p*a_hat[3] - A_c*a_hat[0], A_c*a_hat[1] + A_p*a_hat[2]) phase0_max[j] = np.arctan2(-np.sin(2*half_phase0), np.cos(2*half_phase0)) # convert from [-pi, pi] convention to [0,2*pi] convention if phase0_max[j]<0: phase0_max[j]+=2*np.pi zeta = np.abs(AA)/4 # related to amplitude, zeta=M_chirp^(5/3)/D h_max[j] = zeta * 2 * (np.pi*f0)**(2/3)*np.pi**(1/3) if maximized_parameters: return fstat, inc_max, psi_max, phase0_max, h_max else: return fstat
[docs]def innerProduct_rr(x, y, Nmat, Tmat, Sigma, TNx=None, TNy=None, brave=False): r""" Compute inner product using rank-reduced approximations for red noise/jitter Compute: x^T N^{-1} y - x^T N^{-1} T \Sigma^{-1} T^T N^{-1} y :param x: vector timeseries 1 :param y: vector timeseries 2 :param Nmat: white noise matrix :param Tmat: Modified design matrix including red noise/jitter :param Sigma: Sigma matrix (\varphi^{-1} + T^T N^{-1} T) :param TNx: T^T N^{-1} x precomputed :param TNy: T^T N^{-1} y precomputed :return: inner product (x|y) """ # white noise term Ni = Nmat xNy =, Ni), y) Nx, Ny =, x),, y) if TNx is None and TNy is None: TNx =, Nx) TNy =, Ny) if brave: cf = sl.cho_factor(Sigma, check_finite=False) SigmaTNy = sl.cho_solve(cf, TNy, check_finite=False) else: cf = sl.cho_factor(Sigma) SigmaTNy = sl.cho_solve(cf, TNy) ret = xNy -, SigmaTNy) return ret
[docs]def make_Nmat(phiinv, TNT, Nvec, T): Sigma = TNT + (np.diag(phiinv) if phiinv.ndim == 1 else phiinv) cf = sl.cho_factor(Sigma) # Nshape = np.shape(T)[0] # Not currently used in code TtN = np.multiply((1/Nvec)[:, None], T).T # Put pulsar's autoerrors in a diagonal matrix Ndiag = np.diag(1/Nvec) expval2 = sl.cho_solve(cf, TtN) # TtNt = np.transpose(TtN) # Not currently used in code # An Ntoa by Ntoa noise matrix to be used in expand dense matrix calculations earlier return Ndiag -, expval2)