Source code for enterprise_extensions.sky_scrambles

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pickle
import sys
import time

import numpy as np
from enterprise.signals import utils

[docs]def compute_match(orf1, orf1_mag, orf2, orf2_mag): """Computes the match between two different ORFs.""" match = np.abs(, orf2))/(orf1_mag*orf2_mag) return match
[docs]def make_true_orf(psrs): """Computes the ORF by looping over pulsar pairs""" npsr = len(psrs) orf = np.zeros(int(npsr*(npsr-1)/2)) idx = 0 for i in range(npsr): for j in range(i+1, npsr): orf[idx] = utils.hd_orf(psrs[i].pos, psrs[j].pos) idx += 1 return orf
[docs]def compute_orf(ptheta, pphi): """ Computes the ORF coefficient. Takes different input than utils.hd_orf(). :param ptheta: Array of values of pulsar positions theta :param pphi: Array of values of pulsar positions phi :returns: orf: ORF for the given positions orf_mag: Magnitude of the ORF """ npsr = len(ptheta) pos = [np.array([np.cos(phi)*np.sin(theta), np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]) for phi, theta in zip(pphi, ptheta)] x = [] for i in range(npsr): for j in range(i+1, npsr): x.append([i], pos[j])) x = np.array(x) orf = 1.5*(1./3. + (1.-x)/2.*(np.log((1.-x)/2.)-1./6.)) return orf, np.sqrt(, orf))
[docs]def get_scrambles(psrs, N=500, Nmax=10000, thresh=0.1, filename='sky_scrambles.npz', resume=False): """ Get sky scramble ORFs and matches. :param psrs: List of pulsar objects :param N: Number of desired sky scrambles :param Nmax: Maximum number of tries to get independent scrambles :param thresh: Threshold value for match statistic. :param filename: Name of the file where the sky scrambles should be saved. Sky scrambles should be saved in `npz` file. :param resume: Whether to resume from an earlier run. """ # compute the unscrambled ORF orf_true = make_true_orf(psrs) orf_true_mag = np.sqrt(, orf_true)) npsr = len(psrs) print('Generating {0} sky scrambles from {1} attempts with threshold {2}...'.format(N, Nmax, thresh)) orf_mags = [] if resume: print('Resuming from earlier run... loading sky scrambles from file {0}'.format(filename)) npzfile = np.load(filename) matches, orfs = npzfile['matches'], npzfile['orfs'] thetas, phis = npzfile['thetas'], npzfile['phis'] print('{0} sky scrambles have already been generated.'.format(len(matches))) for o in orfs: orf_mags.append(np.sqrt(, o))) else: matches, orfs, thetas, phis = [], [], [], [] ct = 0 tstart = time.time() while ct <= Nmax and len(matches) <= N: ptheta = np.arccos(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, npsr)) pphi = np.random.uniform(0, 2*np.pi, npsr) orf_s, orf_s_mag = compute_orf(ptheta, pphi) match = compute_match(orf_true, orf_true_mag, orf_s, orf_s_mag) if thresh == 1.0: if ct == 0: print('There is no threshold! Keep all the sky scrambles') if len(orfs) == 0: orfs.append(orf_s) matches.append(match) orfs = np.array(orfs) matches = np.array(matches) thetas = ptheta[np.newaxis, ...] phis = pphi[np.newaxis, ...] orf_mags.append(np.sqrt(, orf_s))) else: matches = np.append(matches, match) orf_reshape = np.vstack(orf_s).T orfs = np.append(orfs, orf_reshape, axis=0) orf_mags.append(orf_s_mag) thetas = np.concatenate((thetas, [ptheta])) phis = np.concatenate((phis, [pphi])) elif thresh < 1.0 and match <= thresh: if len(orfs) == 0: orfs.append(orf_s) matches.append(match) orfs = np.array(orfs) matches = np.array(matches) thetas = ptheta[np.newaxis, ...] phis = pphi[np.newaxis, ...] orf_mags.append(np.sqrt(, orf_s))) else: check = np.all(map(lambda x, y: compute_match(orf_s, orf_s_mag, x, y)<=thresh, orfs, orf_mags)) if check: matches = np.append(matches, match) orf_reshape = np.vstack(orf_s).T orfs = np.append(orfs, orf_reshape, axis=0) orf_mags.append(orf_s_mag) thetas = np.concatenate((thetas, [ptheta])) phis = np.concatenate((phis, [pphi])) ct += 1 if ct % 1000 == 0: sys.stdout.write('\r') sys.stdout.write('Finished %2.1f percent in %f min' % (float(ct)/N*100, (time.time() - tstart)/60.)) sys.stdout.flush() if len(matches) < N: print('\nGenerated {0} matches rather than the desired {1} matches'.format(len(matches), N)) else: print('\nGenerated the desired {0} matches in {1} attempts'.format(len(matches), ct)) print('Total runtime: {0:.1f} min'.format((time.time()-tstart)/60.)) np.savez(filename, matches=matches, orfs=orfs, thetas=thetas, phis=phis) return (matches, orfs, thetas, phis)
if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='') parser.add_argument('--picklefile', help='pickle file for the pulsars') parser.add_argument('--threshold', default=0.1, help='threshold for sky scrambles (DEFAULT 0.1)') parser.add_argument('--nscrambles', default=1000, help='number of sky scrambles to generate (DEFAULT 1000)') parser.add_argument('--nmax', default=1000, help='maximum number of attempts (DEFAULT 1000)') parser.add_argument('--savefile', default='../data/scrambles_nano.npz', help='outputfile name') parser.add_argument('--resume', action='store_true', help='resume from existing savefile?') args = parser.parse_args() with open(args.picklefile, 'rb') as f: psrs = pickle.load(f) get_scrambles(psrs, N=int(args.nscrambles), Nmax=int(args.nmax), thresh=float(args.threshold), filename=args.savefile, resume=args.resume)